20 June 2016

Take2 climate change pledge

Victoria’s collective pledge initiative to take action on climate change to help Victoria reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050 was launched last week.

To reach our target, and for Victoria to play its part on the global stage, we need to act together.
TAKE2 enables all Victorians - businesses, local councils, community and educational organisations and individuals - to be part of Victoria’s action on climate change, and contribute to the first Victorian state-wide interim emissions reduction target for 2020.
All Victorians are called to TAKE2 steps:
  1. Right now: take the universal pledge Working together, we pledge to play our part and take action on climate change for Victoria, our country and our planet by signing up
  2. In August: share the actions you are taking to help meet Victoria's universal pledge.

Find out more on the Take 2 web site: www.take2.vic.gov.au