22 March 2015

Animals and proposed burn

The articles published about care for our wild life and the proposed burn on public land have generated considerable feed back this week. Several emails were concerned about the accuracy of data presented. correspondence was received from: the protection and enhancement of RI action group; East Gippsland Wildlife Rehabilitators Inc. ; and several individuals.

the issue raised where well summarised by email such as the following...


Hello, I would like to add a couple of comments to Raymond Island News. My name is Carole Jones and I live at 70 Gravelly Point Road.
First of all Wallabies and Kangaroos from Terry, I absolutely agree with every word she wrote.We hear cars hurtling down the road every morning and go out expecting to see some poor creature wiped out on the road. We had 2 Shy Swamp Wallabies using our block until they were killed on the road, on separate occasions. We do live in a very special place and need to take care of the creatures that share it with us. A month back a young female kangaroo was hit by a car and just left there and I went up and helped the shelter lady catch and rescue it. All it needs is a phone call, nothing should be left to suffer and die a slow agonising death.
Also a reply to Mr Beckers about the burns on this island. A number of the sites he said are untouched are actually re-veg sites and obviously not untouched. Also the couple of areas at the back of the island are Mahogony woodlands and so decidedly different to the burn areas, numbers 2BBB0012 and 2BBB0029. We need to adopt new protocols and procedures for this Island not just lump it with the mainland.We don't want to be just fulfilling their burn quota of 5%, this is a unique habitat and needs to treated with respect.
Thank you.


A resolution might be found by all parties coming together for a discussion.

Jane Ponting 