15 March 2015

Koala count 2015

The 2015 Raymond Island Koala Count will be conducted on Thursday the 14th of May.

This event is of critical importance to our understanding and ongoing management of Raymond Island’s Koala population. Our aim is to ensure that we maintain a healthy population and a balanced ecosystem so that the Koalas of Raymond Island can continue to be enjoyed by residents and tourists alike.

Volunteer participation has always been key to the success of the Koala Count, and again we are calling for those who would like to be involved to register their interest by calling the Dept. Environment, Land, Water & Planning (DELWP) in Bairnsdale, on (03) 5152 0600. A BBQ lunch will be provided for participants between 11:30am and 1:30pm – please register you interest by Tuesday 5th May to assist with catering.

Meet at Raymond Island Community Hall from 9:00am for sign-in & briefing.
·        Walks range from easy to difficult.
·         Children are most welcome but must be supervised by an adult.
·         Please bring drinking water, sunscreen & insect repellent.
·         Wear clothing and footwear suitable for walking in the bush (long pants & sleeves, no sandals or thongs!).
·         Don’t forget sun hats or raincoats as required.

We are also very keen to hear from landholders on the island, particularly those with larger sized rural allotments, regarding potential access for counting purposes. We are very happy to discuss all options, but would welcome residents to register who would like to;
Count their own block (count must be done on the day)
·         Allow access to counting team
·         Deny access to property (counts will be done from roadsides)

Please register on the number listed above, or via email Leona.wadegraveknight@delwp.vic.gov.au

Note: Count may be cancelled if weather is very wet or windy. We will try to give as much notice as possible, but if unsure please confirm with DELWP on (03) 5152 0600