27 June 2016

Paynesville Growth Plan

Paynesville’s population is predicted to increase to almost 5000 people by 2036 as the town continues to attract young families, professionals and retirees to the town’s unique lakeside lifestyle.

East Gippsland Shire Council has been working with the local community and landowners to plan for this growth and the facilities needed to sustain the community into the future.

Community forums and workshops have made it clear that Paynesville people expect future growth of the town to maintain the spacious, accessible, lakeside character of the town, avoiding repetitive suburban-style development and providing a safe, attractive and convenient living environment.

The Paynesville Growth Area Structure Plan has been prepared with this community input in mind to guide the future expansion of the town and is now available as a draft plan for further public comment.
The growth area structure plan completes the picture for Paynesville’s future growth over the next 30-40 years as the town expands towards Grandview Road.

After a series of community workshops, meetings and focus groups, technical studies and investigations, the draft Structure Plan outlines a preferred layout of streets, open spaces, pedestrian/cycle paths and land uses to as a blueprint for future growth.

It also describes the requirements for future subdivision and development that will provide a range of housing, facilities and services to meet local needs, while protecting the surrounding environment.

To view the draft Structure Plan and answer a short survey, please visit the Shire’s engagement portal, and sign in to have your say.
Hard copies of the draft Structure Plan, survey and frequently asked questions are also on display at the Paynesville Customer Service Centre, 55 The Esplanade, Paynesville.

Consultation closes 5pm Monday 4 July 2016.