13 July 2015

A small Island in a big universe

Recent news items inspire one of our Island poets...

Investigator volcaoes
Our new scientific research vessel 'Investigator' has discovered a cluster of four volcanos 250 km off the coast of Sydney.  They are thought to be about 50 million years old.  The Investigator can 'see' and map, much deeper that ever before.

Nations are but lines on paper
Blood flows to and fro
Like the wind over sand
Lines and Nations alike.

Pluto: New Horizons
NASA mission 'New Horizons' has arrived at its destination, Pluto, after nine years.  It is about to begin beaming back images of Pluto, fingers crossed!  
Fly by begins Tuesday night.

Cursed are they
Who pull down stone
And unmake old bones memory
No longer just a nose to break
 But grind to dust histories beauty
Revealing only ugly minds
Ugly forms
They in turn will be
Unmade, crumble and blow away

Unmissed stains on humanity