15 March 2015

RI Proposed Burn

Mick Beckers responds to last weeks post:
I would like to bring to your attention and advise that some information regarding planned burning reported in the latest Raymond Island New Update is factually incorrect.
  • Assessments of the overall fuel hazard have been undertaken across the site.
  • The burn sites have been assessed by cultural heritage values officers in conjunction with the traditional owners. There are no registered cultural sites recorded on the boundary or within the burns.
  • The proposed burn sites are not the 'last untouched parcels of crown land' on the Island. Fire prevention works are carried out close the main concentration of residents however most of crown land on the eastern side of the island remains 'untouched'. Refer green areas on the map below.
  • Raymond Island has two recorded wildfire events fire events - 1981 (17 ha) impacting private and public land and 1992 (22 ha) impacting public land - please refer to pink areas on map below. Please note that the 4 ha planned burn scheduled for next year (south of centre road) overlaps the 1981 wildfire area.

Kind regards
Mick Beckers
Fire Management Officer - Tambo | Fire and Land
Regional Services 
| Department of Environment, Land, Water & Planning