19 April 2016

Thoroughly Modern Millie

It's a Thoroughly Modern date on 6 May at 7.30pm!

The opening night performance of ‘Thoroughly Modern Millie’ will be a Gala Opening. 

Come dressed in period costume, walk the red carpet, enjoy complimentary drink and nibbles AND be in the with a chance to win the best costume prize of two tickets to see a show of their choice from the May to July 2016 Arts program brochure, kindly donated by Janice Haynes of the Forge Theatre and Arts Hub. 

Photograph courtesy: Vicki Jesty
Tickets are now on sale for Thoroughly Modern Millie and can be obtained from the Forge Theatre and Arts Hub website, Visitor Information Centres and via our BPLTC website. The show will run from 06 May 2016 7:30pm to 22 May 2016 2:00pm.