The community is invited to an entertaining and thought-provoking one-man show this month. The free show, ‘Someone Like Thomas Banks’, highlights a number of social issues and will be performed in Bairnsdale on 15 April 15. It includes an Auslan interpreter for people with hearing difficulties.
Thomas Banks is a Geelong performer, writer and disability advocate. The show is his story as a man searching for love and claiming his identity. Thomas is a young, gay man with cerebral palsy. The cerebral palsy affects Banks’ movement and speech. He walks with a limp and uses a Lightwriter, a small portable communication device which translate what he types into a computerised voice. The show features Thomas and is an opportunity to create discussion around topics such as tolerance, acceptance, disability awareness and diversity.
Following the show, young people aged 15-25 are invited to take part in a free Youth Forum which has the theme of diversity and social inclusion. The forum includes four workshops covering art and culture, mental health, diversity, and self-defence and street smarts.
It is supported by East Gippsland Shire Council Youth Ambassadors, Department of Health and Human Services, Victoria Police, djillay ngalu, Federation Training, Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative, Gippsland Lakes Community Health, Omeo District Health and Snap Gippsland.
Both the Thomas Banks performance and the Youth Forum will be held at the Forge Theatre and Arts Hub, 80 McKean Street Bairnsdale. RSVP is required, please contact East Gippsland Shire Council on 1300 555 886 or