8 June 2015

Choirs and bollards

Kay Mooney reports on action around town...

The East Gippsland Choral Festival took place last Sunday and what a great afternoon’s entertainment it was.   Nine choirs from all around the area came together to present a varied and enjoyable program of choral singing.  Each choir was unique in style and program.  Midway in the program there was a very moving rendering of 'Pennyweight Hill' by a massed choir formed from members among choirs present.  This song is a fathers lament for the death of his young daughter on the Castlemaine gold fields. It would move a stone to tears.  I must mention too two ladies, playing harps, who greeted patrons with music as they arrived. I was very proud to take part in this wonderful afternoon, which included, for a gold coin donation, a sumptuous afternoon tea. 

Work has begun on replacing the buffers Paynesville side, as I am sure most people already know.