Tuesday 24 June at 6.00pm.
People interested in the outcomes for the ferry can attend to show their support for the recommendations of the Special Committee of Council that the originally proposed increases NOT be introduced.
Full copies of the agenda and papers for the meeting are on the Shire's web site. The papers are included on the right side of the site and comprise two large files:
Attachment Draft Budget.pdf (835 pages): reproduces 254 responses to the budget - 243 related to the Raymond Island Ferry. There is only a response to the first submission included:
'The submitter raised concerns about the level of the increase of fees for casual vehicle access on the ferry, the increase in annual vehicle passes and the new fee for a second vehicle for Raymond Island household owners. Given the similarity of the issues raised by submitters on Raymond Island Ferry fees, the Committee formulated a global recommendation to address these. In essence, the Committee has recommended that the fees as proposed in the Draft Budget for the Raymond Island Ferry not be introduced but rather, 2013/14 fees be adjusted in line with the proposed rate increase (4.3 percent) and rounded up to the nearest dollar. Further, that a flat rate for passes be introduced. The translation of that recommendation into fees is shown in the table opposite. The Committee was confident that this course of action would address the concerns of the majority of submitters who in the main, expressed the view that the fees as proposed would place a disproportionate fee burden on Raymond Island residents and ratepayers.'
Appendix Budget Report.pdf (229 pages): includes the Special Committee of Council's recommendations:
p.10. ... a recommendation fo the Special Committee of Council convenedto hear and consider submissions on the draft Budget 2014/15 as published, that the proposed Raymond Island Ferry fee increases not be implemented in 2014/15.
p.12. The Draft Budget as revised anticipates that Council will accept the recommendation of the Special Committee of Council not to implement the planned fee increases for Raymond Island Ferry as published but rather, to apply an increase of 4.3% in line with other charges.
p.12. The Draft Budget as revised anticipates that Council will accept the recommendation of the Special Committee of Council not to implement the planned fee increases for Raymond Island Ferry as published but rather, to apply an increase of 4.3% in line with other charges.
Revised proposed schedule of fees:
One Islander (name supplied) has noted:
The Mayor's comment [was] that the ferry access charges will be reviewed on a 'user pays model' annually within the budget process.I don't think the RI community wants this uncertainty around access and cost, and the aggravation of pleading our position each year. This proposed decision to not implement the proposed charges takes the heat off the council for the other issues on the table:
Fee at
1 July
Fee at
1 July
Ferry Pass - Owners of developed land
Cars, Motor Cycles – 1st Vehicle
Ferry Pass - Owners of developed land
Cars, Motor Cycles – 2nd Vehicle
Ferry Pass – Owners of developed land
Cars, Motor Cycles - 3rd + vehicles
Ferry Pass - Non-owners of developed land Cars, Motor Cycles
Cars, Motor Cycles Return
Hazardous Chemical Truck Return
Out of Hours Service Return
Tourist 7 Day Holiday Pass
Ferry Pass - Trucks and Buses 1st Vehicle
Ferry Pass - Trucks and Buses
Trucks and Buses < 20GVM Return
Trucks and Buses > 20GVM Return
One Islander (name supplied) has noted:
The Mayor's comment [was] that the ferry access charges will be reviewed on a 'user pays model' annually within the budget process.I don't think the RI community wants this uncertainty around access and cost, and the aggravation of pleading our position each year. This proposed decision to not implement the proposed charges takes the heat off the council for the other issues on the table:
* Ferry upgrades to reduce operating costs - consultant's report
* Better cost controls on maintenance
* Planning for long term Ferry replacement - provision to replace in 15 years
* Working VicRoads for a more equitable funding model
* Working towards a 'No Fee' model for all users get rid of the divisive RI residents vs other ratepayers situation.
I suggest we keep working this issue. There is ... a good deal of information and knowledge that's been gathered. Let us keep the heat on the Council to improve the cost effectiveness of the RI Ferry, with a well thought out, long term plan (i.e. the proposal adopted by Council two years ago following the extensive review for RI access) with the ultimate goal of achieving a 'No Charge' service for all users.