12 June 2014

Ferry fee consultation: feedback

Kay Mooney and Victor Trofimovs report following the Council's Community Consultation about the proposed increases to the ferry fees on Tuesday afternoon:

Over 150 Raymond Island Rate payers packed the East Gippsland Shire Chambers to listen to 16 people presenting a verbal submission, representing Islanders, RICA and individual arguments against the Shires proposed budget increases, particularly number one on the agenda, the Raymond Island Ferry. Several Islanders and other Shire locals spoke, includind: Warwick Hall (on behalf of RICA), Peter Markwell (representing the Island Community Group), Robert Fordham, Edie Ashley, Heinz Gerlach, John Potts, Brian Halpin, Alexander Fowler Gerard Va Maanen, Mark Richardson, Mal Howarth, Beth Campbell and Edgar Didjuries.

Raymond Island residents presented with compassion, knowledge and spirit. Our council representative certainly had a lot to take on board, and the general conception was, they gave us a fair hearing

You can listen to what Raymond Island residents had to say on this Youtube clip and see a packed house for the meeting!