30 March 2014

RICA's community voice


What is RICA and why should you be involved?

Do you love our island and want to keep it as it is?  So do RICA members.   So we meet once a month at the community hall to plan activities and that will maintain the great lifestyle we have here.

We organise social events, working bees, we maintain the community hall, we raise issues with the Shire which we see as important to the Island and its residents.

Who maintains the ferry park?  Who keeps our hall in tip top condition?  Who organises the annual burn off?  Who organises the various social events you see advertised (and probably take part in)?  The members of the Raymond Island Community Association.

If you want to be part of protecting the island, if you have ideas you think would make our lives better, then why not join?  We need a strong community voice when action is being planned by larger interests.

We’ve just elected a new team of office bearers at the AGM in early March.  They are listed below.   

We meet on the first Monday of the month at 7.00 pm. at the Hall.   The annual membership fee is $12 for individuals and $20 for families.  Contact RICA at rica@netspace.net.au for a membership form.

The next meeting is Monday 7 April.  Come along, meet our current members and see how you can have some fun while making our beautiful Island a better place to live.

The committee and current members look forward to welcoming you.

The new committee is:
President – Warwick Hall
Vice President – David Prasad
Secretary – Vicki Trofimovs
Treasurer – Natalie Roberts
Committee – Jenni Hall
Committee – Brian Joshua
Committee – Di Reynolds