26 July 2016

Community Garden Group

It’s been a busy few months for the Garden Group. Negotiations are continuing with the Shire to identify a site for a permanent garden but while this is happening we have been given a temporary home at the Raymond Island Hall.

Our group approached Bunnings who in return have been generous in donating and delivering three fully prepared and planted portable garden beds to start us off. When contacted Picnic Point Farm kindly gave us two apple crates which will be transformed into more pop-up beds and planted out at our first morning get together at the hall on Wednesday 27 th July starting at 10.30am.

Other unique and unexpected additions to our patch have been three potted mature fruit trees which we purchased with the help of the Friendship Shed in Paynesville. It’s an exciting time for our small group and it feels like our garden is beginning to take shape. The area on the hall site has been fenced to deter wildlife but the group is happy if islanders would like to investigate the patch – please open the gate and wander in.

At our last meeting the group voted to change our regular meetings to Wednesday mornings at 10.30am on the 2nd and the 4th weeks of each month. We invite all islanders with a love of gardening to come along and join us on these days. Morning tea will be available at the hall and jobs will be found for people of all ages and abilities. If chatting is all you can manage we would be happy to see you too.

As we are presently unfunded the group has decided on a small annual membership fee - $10.00 per person / $20.00 per family which will help fund the setting up phase. If you are interested in our group and are able to help Lucke’s Loyalty Rewards Program tags are available at the Raymond Island Hall.

The Committee will continue to meet at the Raymond Island Hall on the 3 rd Wednesday of the month at 7pm. All members are welcome to attend. Much organisation still needs to be done not only in consolidating our pop-up gardens but also in areas such as workshop ideas for island residents, fundraising for the group to purchase plants, tools and equipment, applying for grants and more than anything helping to keep each other enthusiastic and committed to our cause.

Wishing everyone a productive July in your garden – rug up well! Any queries? Please contact Beth Sheffield mobile 0437 545 145 or email bethsheffield@gmail.com