20 January 2016

Limited ferry pass proposal

Proposal: Limited ferry pass - owners of undeveloped land on Raymond Island.

After recently checking with Council, as we understand it, ferry passes are currently provided only to house owners / those commencing housing construction on their land. 

As long time owners of undeveloped land in Seventh Parade, we are ratepayers who contribute to services on the island and help foster its amenity, and we believe it is reasonable that Council provides a limited annual pass (12 free trips per year) specifically for owners of undeveloped land. 
A limited pass will facilitate land maintenance and improvements as well as contributing to the sense of community. It is anticipated that this initiative would impact ferry revenue only to the extent that each limited pass gets used.

We propose to write to Council early in the New Year to have this matter included in its 2016-2017 budget cycle. If you support this initiative or have other related suggestions, please contact us by email: johnlauricella@live.com.au

John & Susan Lauricella
Seventh Parade, Raymond Island    

Note: Jack Pearce requests that if other Islanders have similar requirements, could you contact John Lauricella and work through him to make a budget submission to Council this year.