From the Raymond Island Risk Management Community Group...
All Islanders are encouraged to complete the more detailed survey that is open now until Sunday 15 November.
The results from this survey will be used to inform future bushfire management activities on Raymond Island.
To date 46 surveys have been completed. The results so far indicate most people are very comfortable with mechanical fuel modification, maintenance of fuel breaks and slashing of fire access roads. The results regarding fuel reduction burning are more mixed. What is your view?
You can complete the survey online at:
There now is available information and reports from the speakers who presented at the Information night.
To download these important documents, Google "Ride The Koalas". Once my website is open you’ll find a title at the top of the site saying Raymond Island. Under that title is Links. Scroll down the links and you’ll find: Raymond Island Bush Fire Risk Management Information. All documents supplied can be easily downloaded.
Please note that this is the last week of the survey. It closes Sunday November 15, 2015.
Victor Trofimov
All Islanders are encouraged to complete the more detailed survey that is open now until Sunday 15 November.
The results from this survey will be used to inform future bushfire management activities on Raymond Island.
To date 46 surveys have been completed. The results so far indicate most people are very comfortable with mechanical fuel modification, maintenance of fuel breaks and slashing of fire access roads. The results regarding fuel reduction burning are more mixed. What is your view?
You can complete the survey online at:
There now is available information and reports from the speakers who presented at the Information night.
To download these important documents, Google "Ride The Koalas". Once my website is open you’ll find a title at the top of the site saying Raymond Island. Under that title is Links. Scroll down the links and you’ll find: Raymond Island Bush Fire Risk Management Information. All documents supplied can be easily downloaded.
Please note that this is the last week of the survey. It closes Sunday November 15, 2015.
Victor Trofimov