5 October 2015

Important letter: bushfire risk

Raymond Island Risk Management Community Group
Community Contact: Victor Trofimovs
Email: victrof@live.com.au


Over the last six months there has been a lot of discussion amongst Raymond Island residents about fuel reduction, to help minimise the risk of bush fire.

Raymond Island is a unique situation with homes and properties surrounded by natural bushland. Raymond Island is also unique because of our diverse population who are very passionate about our island life and very emotional about the way Government authorities and locals look after it.

A working group has been formed to engage the community about the fuel reduction program. This will allow residents, holiday makers and renters to be informed, in a non-confrontational way, about this very important situation which will no doubt be upon us in the near future.

The group consists of Raymond Island locals, Government representatives and an independent facilitator:

Role / Responsibility
Dave Munday
Independent facilitator who will chair each meeting and basically keep us on track and make sure we don’t divert from the task in hand.
Jack Pearce
Represents the Raymond Island Community Association (RICA) and the community-based, emergency preparation working group (EmPrep) to oversee the consultation on the island’s risk.
Andrew Bould
Resident of the island for over 50 years, expert on fire history of the island, interested in the environment and local flora and fauna.
Victor Trofimovs
Property owner for 15 years and now lives here permanently. Has been operating a tourism business on the island for one year as and has a genuine interest in the community and the environment. He will report to the RI Landcare group and is the acting coordinator for the group. 
Susie Pulis
Manages the Raymond Island Koala and Wildlife Shelter, and here as part of the group to gather information to provide to the community and work out how best to consult with the community.
Varo Dharmarajah
Resident of the island and interested in the local environment and preventing bushfires.
Brian Joshua
Resident for 10 years, farming background, interested in the island and being part of this group that will plan the consultation with the community.
Mick Beckers (currently standing in for Brad Fisher)
Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) Fire Management Officer based in Bairnsdale, overseeing fuel management and bushfire risk management on Crown land managed by Parks Victoria and DELWP, and to oversee the associated consultation process.
Catherine Burton
DELWP Community Engagement Facilitator based in Bairnsdale whose role is to support this process and provide administrative support to this group.
Jeremy Tscharke
Parks Victoria Area Chief Ranger for Lakes & Eastern ALPS, managing public land on RI with the Gunaikurnai.
Grattan Mullett
Gunaikurnai Land and Waters Aboriginal Corporation (GLaWAC) Joint Management Coordinator taking care of all Registered Aboriginal Party matters and works with other land managers on jointly managed land.

The key roles of the consultation group are:
-        Compile the evidence based information for community dissemination
-        dissemination of information to the community about risk g
-    gathering information/feedback from the community
-        conveying the government’s negotiables and non-negotiables
-        organising the consultation activities e.g.  forum / workshop / meetings.

Key themes and detail
The following broad themes and detail were identified as at the core of the consultation:
-        Understanding the risk assessment process.
-        What is the actual risk vs the perceived risk? (Consider survey, LIMP planning.)
-        What evidence is used to decide what areas are to be treated?
-        What are the effects of the various fuel management techniques on the flora / fauna / ecosystem?
-        What research is available from very similar / like habitats?
-        What are the effects of fuel management on bracken?
-        How will wildlife be considered in the fuel management process?
-        What are the significant sites that require protection and management options, e.g. cultural, heritage, environmental?
-        What are the other priorities held by the Gunaikurnai / GLaWAC for this area of jointly managed estate?
-        What recovery process would be put in place after fuel management treatment?
-        What other research has been undertaken in similar habitats?
-        What are the Government’s legislative non-negotiables?
The community contact for more information is Victor Trofimovs, email: victrof@live.com.au.

Project updates will be made available on the website and at the ferry shelter noticeboard.

People can register with the website to receive information updates.

Victor Trofimovs

Raymond Island Risk Management Community Group