14 September 2015

What's on at the Shire

By young people for young people

This year’s Youth Forum is being organised by East Gippsland Shire Council’s Youth Ambassadors. The forum, for people aged 12-25 living, working or studying in the Shire, uses inspiring, interactive workshops and creative stations to empower young people to be part of creating positive change in their community. It will be facilitated by Travis Demsey, former The Living End drummer, who is also the keynote motivational speaker. It will be held at the Lakes Entrance Surf Life Saving Club on Thursday, September 17 from 10.00 am to 2.00 pm. Attendees will take part in three main workshop sessions and have the opportunity to learn, be active and have a say. All information gathered at the forum will be shared with relevant youth groups, youth service providers, and Council.

There are limited places available, to book your spot contact the Shire on 5153 9500 or email feedback@egipps.vic.gov.au.

Sign up to Walk to School this October

East Gippsland Shire Council will work with local primary schools to coordinate Walk to School activities in the region after receiving funding from VicHealth. As part of VicHealth’s long-term plan to get more Victorians living healthier and happier lives, their Walk to School campaign encourages primary students across the state to walk to and from school throughout October. By getting involved in Walk to School, local primary schools will be helping their students learn healthy habits, and supporting them to meet the 60 minutes of physical activity recommended for children each day. All participating schools will receive student certificates to celebrate their students’ achievements, and will be in the running for regional prizes provided by VicHealth. Throughout October, schools and parents can help children record their walks using classroom calendars or the Walk to School website and free app, available for Android and iPhone devices. 

Local schools can contact the Shire to find out more about local Walk to School activities, or visit www.walktoschool.vic.gov.au for more information.

Shire seeks Audit Committee member

East Gippsland Shire Council is looking for a new member for its independent Audit Committee. The Committee’s role is to help Council fulfil its governance and oversight responsibilities in relation to financial reporting, internal control, risk management, ethical accountability and audits. The Audit Committee has seven members, four of which are external and completely independent of Council. The Mayor and two other Councillors make up the balance. The new independent member would be appointed for a three-year term starting on 1 December 2015. The Committee meets at least five times a year, and to ensure the Committee is well equipped to perform its role Council is seeking interested community members with knowledge and skills that align with its Terms of Reference. Ideally applicants should have a strong financial background. Other valuable knowledge and experience include risk management and governance. Audit Committee members are paid a fee to attend meetings and reasonable travel expenses are reimbursed.

To obtain a nomination pack visit www.eastgippsland.vic.gov.au or call 5153 9500. Nominations close 12.00 pm Friday, September 25, 2015.

Booklet celebrates our female Councillors

An event to be held in Bruthen later this month will celebrate the achievements of female Councillors on all former and current local governments in East Gippsland. The day will feature the launch of Women in Local Government East Gippsland, a booklet featuring the stories of all women Councillors. As part of the ‘Go Women LG 2016’ campaign, prospective candidates for next year’s Council elections can find out more information on the process and the role of councillors. Women were given the right to vote in 1908 and the right to stand for local government election in 1914. The Women in Local Government East Gippsland booklet features 33 women from the first female Councillor in 1954 to those sitting on Council today. The launch will be held at Bruthen’s Bullant Brewery on Tuesday, September 22 at 10.30 am. Copies of the booklet will be available in all Shire libraries following the launch. Hear first hand the experiences of female Councillors, join together for some morning tea and take home a free copy of the booklet. Beth Ripper from the Victorian Local Governance Association (VLGA) will be attending to provide information for women interested in standing for local government election. The next local government elections will be held in October 2016. Across Victoria only 34% of local government Councillors are women. The figure stands at 22% in East Gippsland Shire Council with two women out of nine councillors. The aim of the VLGA campaign is to bring the number closer to 50% across Victoria in 2016 by encouraging women to at least stand for election.

To register your attendance at the booklet launch, email rsvp@egipps.vic.gov.au or telephone 5153 9500.