11 August 2016

Mind games

A few chuckles and 'ooh ahs' for the week:

Bernadette Williams shared this web site link with one of our regular contributors:

Period: Traveling back in time - 1944 to 2014
Just click or click and hold on each photo, and then drag your mouse gently from left to right on the original photograph and it will be become a photo of the exact same location and view in 2014. Drag it back to the left and you are back in 1944! Scroll down for more of the same. Just fascinating!

Sign in the window of Wood St. Tiles:

Cockie's Corner.

There was a farmer with a wonderful orchard of apples that were growing splendidly. But he was disturbed by some of the local kids who would sneak into the orchard at night and eat the apples. He came up with a clever idea and he thought would scare the kids away. He made up a sign and posted in the field. The sigh read “ WARNING!! One of these apples on these trees have been injected with cyanide.” So the kids ran off home made up their own sign and posted next to the farmers sign. The farmer showed up the next day he look over the paddock and noticed not one apple was missing but a new sign stood next to his. He drove up and read the new sign and read “ Now there are two”.


The rural school next door to farmer Tom's was a buzz. A new student was starting school today, a Russian boy named, Ivan Skivinski-Scavaa. To mark the occasion, and after introductions, the teacher, Miss. Jones, said: "Today's lesson will be about Victorian History, to help Ivan understand about our state heritage." Miss Jones's first question was: "In what year was the Eureka Stockade stand?" The whole class went quiet, except for Ivan Skivinski-Scavaa, “ Miss, the Eureka Stockade happened on December 3rd 1854. It was organized by Peter Lalor, to fight the colonial forces over mining rights." “Well done Ivan! It's actually unbelievable - you have only been here for 10 minutes and you can answer questions the class cannot." The next question was: "Who was the first Premier of Victoria?" Again, the class went quiet. Ivan put up his hand. “Miss, his name was William Haines and he was elected in 1857." The teacher was astonished. “Class," she asked, are you not ashamed? Here we have Ivan, who has been here a a very short time and can answer all my questions." From up the back of the class, a voice piped up: “Bugger the Russians!” "Who said that?" Miss Jones asked. Little Sally put up her hand - “Winston Churchill 1942".