28 February 2014

Defibrillator at the Hall

There will be a defibrillator information evening presented by Phil Brumby (from the supplier) next week
Where: Raymond Island Hall
When: Wed 5 March 2014, 7.00pm

Old Salts reminder

The Old Salts House Band is playing at the Wine Bar at 4.00pm on 2 March.

See the Raymond Island Diary - select March and then for full details just click on the entry.

24 February 2014

Find your way around RI News

Have you explored our updated news page and its Blog format? 

As well as showing articles on the left side of the News page, there are two new features on the right side of the page that will help you find your way around as the year progresses.

First is the Archive of articles that automatically indexes our news. Open each month by clicking on its arrow, and you'll see the number of articles and a list of headlines that appeared during the month.

Under the archive is the list of Popular Posts.

Now you can revisit the most popular stories whenever you wish - or show them to your family and friends.

Shelter reports Dec 2013 - Jan 2014

The Koala and Wildlife Shelter 
has been busy with the warmer months.

You'll find the full updates 

Is it an alien?

No it's a unearthly looking jellyfish that Kay Mooney photographed off the side of the ferry!

What do we know about the jellyfish in the Gippsland Lakes?

If you know what species it is, how big they grow, what their presence says about the health of the Lakes or any other interesting information about these creatures, let us know at: RaymondIslandNet@gmail.com.

20 February 2014

Raymond Island Diary

Have you found our new calendar? 

It's live and interactive - and is a great place to check what's happing on the Island and in Paynesville.

Islanders are encouraged to add events. Just email event details and a contact name and phone number to RaymondIslandNet@gmail.com

You can link to the Diary from the home page at Raymond Island Net

16 February 2014

Remembering Mark Brennan

To celebrate Mark's life - 
his friends and neighbours are invited to join with Terri and his family.

At A'Beckett Park, at 3.00 pm on Friday 21 February 2014.

Light refreshments will be provided.

13 February 2014

Boobook owls in the spotlight

Varo Dharmarajah and Ron Mackenzie spotted a family of boobook owls while walking early, as they tend to be early risers in search of some of the Island's more elusive birds.

They caught something very special and are featured with the birds our new Wildlife Gallery.

Website editorship changes

Since 2007, Raymond Island's web site has been our community gateway. Under Peter Johannsen's dedicated editorship, it has grown up bringing us weekly news, stories and fabulous photographs. As Peter looks for sunny skies away from his laptop, we're moving to a new-look site.

Take a look around - there are many new live and interactive features which will develop over the next year. And don't worry, favourite pages from the old site have been archived and will be saved as part of Raymond Island's history. 
All Islanders are encouraged to contribute to Raymond Island Net so that our web site remains informative, amusing, and a great way for us to communicate with each other.

So what's next for Peter? He might have handed over the reins to the web site but isn't about to retire! Travel is definitely on the cards - Landcare is calling - and we have it on authority that Jill has quite a list of gardening tasks at home. Best of all, Peter will continue as our intrepid, roving reporter. 

Cheers, Jane Ponting 
e: raymondislandnet@gmail.com